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How Does Smoking Impact My Life Insurance Premium?


In today's digital age, securing a term life insurance plan has become more straightforward, yet there are still crucial factors that influence the policy's terms, especially your lifestyle choices. One significant aspect insurance companies consider is whether an applicant is a smoker. Bhaskar Financial Services understands the complexities involved and strives to provide clarity on such issues. Let’s delve into how smoking affects your life insurance premium.

Who Is Considered a Smoker?

Insurance companies classify anyone who consumes nicotine or tobacco in any form - cigarettes, cigars, beedis, vapes, gutka, pan masala, nicotine patches, or chewing gums - as a smoker. It’s important to note that there’s no distinction between occasional and habitual smokers in the eyes of insurance providers.

Impact of Smoking on Life Insurance Premium

Smoking is associated with numerous health risks, including cancer, respiratory diseases, stroke, and heart conditions. Due to these increased risks, smokers are considered high-risk individuals by life insurance companies. To offset this risk, insurers charge higher premiums for smokers compared to non-smokers.


For instance, Aditya, a 30-year-old from Mumbai who leads a healthy, smoke-free lifestyle, might pay an annual premium of Rs. 8,000 for a term plan with a sum assured of Rs. 1 crore. In contrast, his friend Rajesh, also 30 but a heavy smoker, could be charged Rs. 11,500 annually for the same coverage.

Risks of Misrepresentation

It might be tempting to conceal smoking habits to lower premiums, but honesty is crucial when applying for life insurance. Insurance companies conduct thorough investigations for every claim. If it’s discovered that a policyholder was a smoker and did not disclose it, the claim could be rejected, leaving beneficiaries without financial support during challenging times.

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking can positively impact your health and potentially your insurance premiums. After being nicotine-free for several years, you can apply for a new policy as a non-smoker. However, factors like age and overall health can still influence premiums. Bhaskar Financial Services can guide you through this process, including the necessary medical and financial evaluations.


The impact of smoking on life insurance premiums is significant. Smokers are generally charged higher rates due to the increased health risks they pose. However, quitting smoking can not only improve your health but potentially reduce your insurance costs in the long run. At Bhaskar Financial Services, we are committed to helping you navigate these considerations, ensuring you make informed decisions about your life insurance needs. Remember, being transparent about your smoking habits is crucial to securing the right coverage for your loved ones.

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