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Mutual Funds

Diversify your investment portfolio with our expertly curated Mutual Funds. At Bhaskar Financial Services, we offer a range of mutual fund options that cater to different risk appetites and investment goals. Our team of experts is dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of mutual fund investments, helping you make informed decisions that align with your long-term financial aspirations.

Why Partner with Bhaskar Financial Services?

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Strategically diversified mutual funds for optimal wealth growth.

Why do people buy Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are a popular choice among investors because they generally offer the following features:

Professional Management

  • Mutual funds offered by Bhaskar Financial Services are managed by experienced fund managers who conduct research and make investment decisions on behalf of investors.

  • Fund managers select securities and continuously monitor their performance, providing a hassle-free investment experience.


  • The age-old saying, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket," holds true for investing. Mutual funds invest in a range of companies and industries, reducing the risk associated with the failure of a single company.

  • Diversification is a key strategy to lower risk and enhance the stability of your investment portfolio.


  • Bhaskar Financial Services offers mutual funds with relatively low initial investment requirements and subsequent purchase amounts, making them accessible to a wide range of investors.

  • This affordability allows individuals to start investing with a modest sum of money.


  • Mutual fund investors have the flexibility to redeem their shares at any time. The redemption is done at the current net asset value (NAV) plus any applicable redemption fees.

  • This liquidity feature ensures that investors can easily access their funds when needed.

Types of Mutual Funds

Bhaskar Financial Services offers various types of mutual funds to cater to different investment objectives:

Money Market Funds

  • Low-risk funds that invest in high-quality, short-term instruments issued by U.S. corporations and government entities.

Bond Funds

  • Aim for higher returns than money market funds, investing in a variety of bonds with varying risks and rewards.

Stock Funds

  • Include growth funds, income funds, index funds, and sector funds, providing exposure to different aspects of the stock market.

Target Date Funds

  • Designed for individuals with specific retirement dates in mind, these funds gradually adjust their asset allocation over time.

Benefits and Risks of Mutual Funds

  • Mutual funds offer professional management, potential diversification, and multiple ways to earn money, including dividend payments, capital gains distributions, and increased NAV.

  • All funds carry some level of risk, and past performance does not guarantee future returns. Understanding the risks and benefits is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

How to Buy and Sell Mutual Funds

  • Investors can purchase mutual fund shares directly from Bhaskar Financial Services or through a broker.

  • The price paid is the fund's per-share net asset value plus any applicable fees at the time of purchase.

  • Mutual fund shares are redeemable, allowing investors to sell shares back to the fund at any time.

Understanding Fees

  • Running a mutual fund incurs costs, and these are passed on to investors through fees and expenses.

  • Fees vary, and even small differences can significantly impact returns over time. Investors should carefully consider fees and expenses before investing.

Avoiding Fraud

  • Bhaskar Financial Services, as a responsible entity, ensures compliance with regulations.

  • Investors are advised to read the prospectus and required shareholder reports before investing and check the registration of the investment adviser with the SEC to avoid fraud.

Investing in mutual funds with Bhaskar Financial Services provides a well-managed and diversified approach to wealth creation, catering to the diverse financial goals of investors. Always conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making investment decisions.


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